5 Things When Starting to Gain

People often ask me, “What should I know as a beginning gainer?” Well, first I have to say that there is no such thing as a beginning gainer—any more than there is such a thing as a beginning homosexual. I have found that gaining/encouraging is most accurately thought of as a sexuality, as a constellation of images or ideals that make your dick hard. It is not a hobby that one takes up or begins. You’re not a beginning gainer, you’re a gainer who’s beginning to gain.

In fact gaining has nothing to do with gaining weight, just as encouraging has nothing to do with feeding. Consider: If gainers were just people who gained weight, then anyone who has ever gotten fat would be a gainer, and every grandmother who ever offered a second helping would be an encourager. Weight gain and feeding are expressions of our sexuality; they are sexual acts. They are not the full repertoire of our sex play, and they certainly are not the extent of our sexuality. Our sexuality as gainers and encouragers is far more varied and profound.

Now to your question: Here are 5 Things that gainers who are beginning to get fat might keep in mind.

1. You will probably have a freak-out. If you’ve never been fat before (and even if you have) you will probably experience a crisis of faith, so to speak, before you gain your first 50 pounds whereupon you will renounce being a gainer (as if that were possible) and lose all of most of the fat you’ve packed on. This is normal and even necessary in order for you to be sure that you need to be fat. Just know that these desires are not going anywhere. You’ll be a gainer for the rest of your life whether you weigh 150 pounds or 750 pounds. Being a gainer has nothing to do with gaining weight. It’s about what makes your dick hard.

2. You will want to lie to people about gaining, especially to your boyfriend, and mostly to yourself. While you don’t owe anyone the truth about your sexuality or what you’re doing to your body, your life will be workable in proportion to your integrity–that is, leading a life that is whole, complete, with nothing left out. Again, I’m not saying you have to tell everyone everything about yourself. For example, “I like being fat,” is all most people need to know if they’re curious enough to ask about your weight gain. However the more intimate the relationship, the more a lie will cost. And the cost will grow the longer you keep telling it. This is not about morality. It’s about workability. Marrying a civilian and not telling him you’re a gainer is no different than marrying a woman and not telling her you’re gay. “I only want to gain a few pounds,” equates to “I’m only a little bit gay sometimes.”

3. You’re not going to get fat overnight. Many gainers have nightmarish (erotic) fantasies that if they start gaining, they’ll never be able to stop. That’s sort of like worrying that if you start reading, you’ll read every book in the world and end up a homeless librarian. I often recommend to gainers that they take a month–just four weeks–and really go at it, eating everything and as much as possible. You need to feel the abandon and freedom of the kink. At the end the four weeks, assess what you want. Maybe you want another four weeks. Maybe you want to maintain for a while. Maybe you want to lose weight. Fine. But give yourself the experience of losing control. That’s at the heart of our kink for gainers. And believe me, you’ll be able to stop after four weeks. It’s harder than you think to maintain that kind of frenzy over such a period even with an encourager.

4. Your gaining success depends on having fun and being consistent. Some gainers love the accounting of calories and fat grams; others hate it. Some just want to eat crap all day. Some want to gorge on a singe enormous meal. Some prefer grazing and snacking illicitly all day long. None of that matters. That’s personality. What matters is consistency. Whatever suits your desires, you need to do it every day, whether it’s gorging or snacking or whatever. You can’t just eat when you’re hungry. For example, I don’t go to the gym just when I feel energetic; I go almost every day because my slabs of muscle make my fatboy want to eat. Whether I feel like lifting piles of iron on a particular day is irrelevant. I do it.  Similarly, whatever scheme you like to fatten yourself, do it daily. Hunger is irrelevant. In fact, learn to appreciate the sexual high of eating when you’re not hungry–eating just to make yourself fatter.

5. The more you cook, the cheaper it is to gain. Gainers complain all the time about the expense of gaining. However, you might notice that the fattest segments of society are usually the poorest. Cheap carbohydrates are the key to weight gain: rice, beans, pasta, corn, and flour. They form the basis of the world’s cuisines, and they cost pennies. You can dress them up with fancy sauces or expensive meats if you want; but again, all of the men I know over 500 pounds have extremely limited incomes. Ironically, cooking is the key if you want to “gain healthy.” Just add veggies and leaner meats to the mix. But the bottom line is that the less you cook, the more you spend.