Fat Folds & Skin Issues

The main skin issues your gainer will deal with are acne and folliculitis (infected hair follicles and in-grown hairs). Dealing with them depends on their location.

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Blemishes on exposed fat rolls are usually caused by chafing, often by tight shirts or waistbands. The constant rubbing of garments irritates grinds dirt and bacteria into pores and causes inflammation and infection. The first course of action is to try to reduce the chafing. To heal the blemish, try benzoyl peroxide (e.g., Clearasil) or another topical acne medicine. To prevent future outbreaks, keep the area clean using Skin Tend, which contains a mixture of alcohol and salicin. It’s quite drying but it’s great for razor burn and in-grown hairs. Avoid heavy lotions or oils as these will clog the pores, exacerbating the problem. If you want something less drying, try Muffin Mist Feminine Spray. It comes in many fragrances including unscented.

Blemishes also flourish in airless creases under heavy folds. The skin needs air circulation to function properly. Clean and dry the area thoroughly, and place a clean, dry towel into the fold anytime your superchub is lounging or sleeping. You want a fluffy towel that will allow some air into the deep, heavy crease and to absorb sweat and moisture. There are special pads you can buy for this purpose, or you can also try using talc or even cornstarch.